Unit 7
step 1
I have continued to use the practice session pyramid daily except for days I have spent working on the online portion of the unit.
I have used the Practice sequence pyramid to work on technical skills and repertoire.
I have done this by starting at the bottom and moving upward as each layer is accomplished.
Step 2
1. Have you been successful in integrating all layers of this Practice Session Pyramid?
I think I have been successful with integrating all layers of this Practice Session Pyramid. After reading the description of each layer, I understood what the purpose of each one was, and did my best to work on each of them.
2. What aspects of this pyramid do you find helpful?
I find the articulation and shape layers of this are helpful because it is so focused on the technicality, which I need. They're not the easiest for me when working on them, but I like working on them to improve.
3. What aspects of this pyramid do you find to be a challenge?
I find it hard to not combine the layers of the pyramid. I have to get myself to focus on one at a time so I improve.
4. What was the most satisfying aspect of your practice this week?
Sort of going along with my challenge, I thought it was satisfying when I was able to focus on each step one at a time because I knew it would help me, and it wasn't easy.
Step 3
One music literacy concept from the list that I have implemented into my technical skill development from the list from my Unit 1 Tool Box is chords. A resource I have used to help with this music literacy concept can be found here.
Step 4
My Pair and Share partner was Vivian. The technical skill she shared with me was intervals, and she had a few sources to help learn about them. Thesen are really helpful to me as intervals are something I'm not 100% comfortable with. I will definitely refer to these source more in depth.