Unit 6
Step 1
I have practiced using the pyramid for (about) the suggested times:
Warm-up- 5 minutes
Technical work- 10 minutes
Repertoire- 30 minutes
Free play- 10 minutes
Warm-down- 5 minutes
Step 2
I was unable to upload the video (super frustrating!), so I emailed it to you. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Step 3
Have you been successful in integrating all layers of this Practice Session Pyramid?
I think I have been successful with integrating all of the layers of this Practice Session Pyramid. This has really been key in helping me manage my time with what to work on. I used to really rush through warm-ups and often skipped a warm-down, but this has helped me take my time with those things, and has probably helped me with my playing.
What aspects of this pyramid do you find helpful?
As I mentioned before, this pyramid has been helpful for me with managing my time and making sure I don’t skip steps. I know by following this, it will improve my playing overall.
What aspects of this pyramid do you find to be a challenge?
Though this pyramid has helped me not rush through steps like working on technical skills, it is still a challenge to not want to rush through these steps to work on the things in my repertoire. I think five minutes is over around three, but this has gotten better, and I know following the times will help me in the long-run.
Step 4
One of the music literacy concepts I have implemented from the Unit 1 Toolbox in technical skill development are Scales. This is one of the resources I have used to become more familiar with scales.