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Unit 4

Step 1

Musical technique is the ability of musicians to "exert optimal control" of their instruments to produce the best music they can. Improving technique often includes practicing exercises that improve agility and muscles (for muscle memory, and so you don't hurt yourself). Musical techniques and warm-ups are similar, yet different. They are similar in the sense that the movements may be the same, almost like they are the building block movements for each instrument, but they are different in how you use them. Warming up is for you to ease into playing- to warm up your mind and your muscles. Musical technique is more focused on the correct form, sound, etc. to play the instrument well by practicing these techniques.

Step 2

Below are embedded websites to help with technical skills for each of the following:

1. Scales

2. Arpeggios and (what an arpeggio is)

3. Chords​​

Step 3

I've also been using my developed warm-up and using exercises!

Step 4

Blue is a technical skill that I feel good/confident about

Red is a technical skill that needs improvement or revision

Purple is somewhere in the middle...


A.  Choice of material for the development of flexibility and strength; slurs, rudiments, shifting, finger/hand drills, scales, range

B.  Choice of material for the development of articulation; scale patterns, tonguing, picking, accents, bow strokes, pedal, diction

C.  Ability to play with a steady tempo; use of a metronome

D.  Ability to go back and repeat techincal skill challenges

E.  Ability to utilize a variety of techniques to master challenges

F.  Ability to display a degree of persistence during technical skill development

G.  Ability to add new technical elements to the practice session

Step 5

I actually did the partner share with two people, Vivian and Milo. I shared how to warm-up by going up and down the G major scale, and showed them some chords in the key of A. Milo showed me a scale on the guitar, and a C, D, and G chord. Vivian showed me her warming-up with correct bow movement/ form, and different bowing exercises. The exercises Vivian showed me are definitely some I should use, especially since the bowing exercises are so necessary to fiddle.

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