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Show and Tell

Step 1

In person :)

Step 2​


I think my strengths include location/ physical set up, posture, creating good tone, developing flexibility/ strength, developing articulation, creating a logical sequence of exercises, warming up a good amount of time, repeating problem areas, persistence, utilizing a persistent warm-up routine, having clear goals.

Areas needing improvement: 

I could definitely improve my ability to play an even tempo using a metronome, using a wider variety of techniques/ adding new elements, staying on task and focused.

Strategies to improve:

I think it would help overall if I really made myself stay focused by trying to keep senioritis from hitting me. I would do this by setting due dates for myself (within the due dates), and knowing what I want to get done every morning. I think by doing this I will be able to add new techniques and elements as well.

Step 3

In what way have you grown as a musician thus far?

I think I have grown as a musician in a few ways, but the growth that has most stood out to me is my growing ability to learn to read music. I'm still very much a beginner, but I think I know a lot more now than what I started with.


What has been the greatest benefit/most rewarding aspect of your learning experience this semester?

As I started to talk about in the previous question, I think one of the most rewarding parts is that I'm starting to be able to read music, which is a goal of mine. Besides that, it is rewarding just to play the violin, knowing that I made time to try to get back to it.


In what ways might you modify your approach to practicing during the second part of the semester?

Now that I have two songs picked out to learn, I think I will really focus more on warming up, learning the songs, and asking for help when needed. 


Step 1

  • Review your Self Regulation Inventory in Getting Started

A.   Comment on how you addressed the weaknesses you identified and/or how you overcame challenges in regards to achieving success this semester thus far


One of the weaknesses I've at least started to overcome was only sometimes taking notes and drawing pictures when needed. I know that writing things down really helps me, so doing that to remember notes has helped me remember them. I have also started to analyze the usefulness of different strategies to figure out which help me learn the best. This has been helpful to see what learning styles work best for me.


B.   Reassess the 30 true/false statements for the Self Regulation Inventory.  Compare your current ratio to your initial one.

My original ratio was 25:5 or 5:1. My ratio now is 27:3, but some of the statements have changed from false to true and vice-versa. 


C.   Will you approach the process differently for the second half of the semester?  If so, how?

I will definitely spend more of my time (as much as possible) playing my instrument. I think if I really push to get the online part of each unit done efficiently and quickly, I will have more time to practice.


D.  How has your thinking about your thinking (metacognition) changed?

I believe I have done a lot more thinking about my thinking since the beginning of this class. I also think that because of this, I have started to think more positively. My metacognition has also helped me to realize what helps me learn, and what I remember.


E.  Comment on the outcome of these self-assessments as it relates to the quality of your workflow thus far

I think the outcome of these self-assessments has related well to the quality of my workflow. Though I think I'm doing relatively well, I can always improve. This may become harder though with senioritis on the rise, but I will do my best to remain focused.


F.  What has been your greatest self-regulation strength?

There were two self-regulation strengths that stuck out to me the most: #7, "I am a good judge of how well I understand something", and #22, "I ask myself questions about how well I am doing while learning something new". While I generally think I have been able to judge my understanding of something for a while, asking myself questions about how well I am doing while learning something new was something I originally marked as a weakness. I think my ability to do this has improved, and I'm happy to see that I've grown in that aspect.

G.  How can you compensate for weaknesses?

I can compensate for weaknesses by making an effort to improve them, and by making sure the quality of my work is good. 

Step 2​

  • Review the Benchmark Goals you set for yourself in Getting Started;

What is it that you hope to know and/or be able to do at the conclusion of the course?

A.  What were your intended results?

My original intentions were to "be somewhat confident in my ability to read music by the end of the class, be able to hear a note and know what it is, and have a grasp on an instrument so I can continue learning it after the class is over." 

B.  What were your actual results?

Though I haven't fully achieved these goals yet, I believe I am on the right track! I have started to learn the basics of reading music, which has helped me start to learn the basics of playing the violin/fiddle.

C.  What caused your results?

My results so far have been due to, primarily, lessons with Heidi and Youtube videos to self teach. Being able to watch something and then try it is super helpful for me.

D.  What will you do the same next time?

I will continue to watch Youtube videos to self teach when I don't have lessons, and continue to practice playing. I will also continue to turn in units on time and completed.

E.  What will you do differently?

I will make sure to keep distractions out of sight to stay focused on learning the skills I want to learn. I also plan on improving the quality of the online part of the units so I'm not just answering the questions.

Step 3

  • View the following TED Talk Video

  • See your Instructor to receive a Grit Test, Ambition Scale & Work Habits Rubric

  • Based on the outcome of this survey, provide a summary on your personal level of Grit (perseverance, curiosity, conscientiousness, optimism, self control, resilience, zest, etc.) noting:

A.  Areas of strengths

B.  Areas of needed improvement  

C.  Strategies for the second half of the course

  • Return the Grit and Work Habits Packet to your Instructor

I think my work ethic really shows my level of grit. I think a strength I have is my perseverance, and that I don't quit things when there are setbacks. Though they may upset me, I know I'd rather work through something than just give up. That being said, I realized I've had a lot of different interests over the four years, and my extracurriculars have changed a bit. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing, but I think if I had stuck with a few things I would be a lot better at those few things. For the second half of the course, I think as long as I really focus on my goals, and work hard, I can achieve them.

Step 4

Review your Music Literacy Benchmark Assessment located in Unit 1

  • Pitch 2

  • Rhythm 2

  • Meter 1

  • Signs, Symbols & Terms 2

  • Scales 1

  • Key Signatures 1.5

  • Chords 1

  • Intervals 1

  • Ear Training 2

  • Dictation 1

  • Sight Reading 2

A.  Comment on your achievements thus far (1,3,5) relating to your literacy confidence for each concept


I've definitely improved my music literacy. I didn't feel that I would even call myself intermediate (3) for anything, so I opted for 1.5/2 to say I'm no longer clueless about those concepts, and I am starting to figure them out. Considering everything was a 1 at the beginning of the semester, I'm happy with the progress I've made because it's better than nothing!


B.  Are you making good progress toward your goal?

I think I am making progress toward my goal. I knew I wouldn't be able to learn everything about music in one semester, but I am confident I will have a solid understanding of the basics of how to read music and play the fiddle/violin.


C.  Describe the resources/tools that are most helpful to your understanding of this subject

Having lessons with Heidi has definitely made the biggest impact on my playing. Since this is only one day a week, the next best thing is Youtube, sort of as a digital lesson. Being able to see someone do something, and then being able to try it has been super beneficial to my understanding of how to play something.


D.  What might interfere with your progress and how can you prevent this interference?

Distractions are definitely the biggest interference I have, such as my phone and other homework I want to get done. To avoid these distractions from becoming an issue, I have been telling myself that if I want to learn these skills, I can't be doing other things. Keeping my phone/ iPad/ homework in my bag has been really helpful as well- out of sight out of mind!


Step 5

I think the quality of my work units 1-5 has been okay overall. I answer the questions, and I think what I write is clear, for the most part. I think I could improve by going a bit more above the questions asked, rather than just answering the questions and moving on. I do like the format of the work from my ePortfolio from the first half of the semester and plan on keeping it like this.

Step 6

I think this semester has been a really good experience so far. The only improvement I can think of might be to give a quick lesson/ optional refresher to students new to music on things like scales/arpeggios etc. so there is a slight understanding before we start researching them more. I just remember working on that unit and still being confused about a few things until talking to Heidi. Other than that, the lessons have been super helpful, so the more the better (though I totally get how financially there are a limited number of lessons, and I'm super thankful for the ones I've had :).)

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