Unit 1
Step 1
Though I left most pages blank, I went through the Music Literacy Benchmark Assessment and did what I could!
Step 2
I am definitely a beginner and don't know much. I need improvement everywhere and the only section I was confident about and got right was the patterns under ear training, which can still use some work.
Step 3
Rating Musical Literacy
A. Pitch= 1
B. Rhythm= 1
C. Meter= 1
D. Signs, Symbols & Terms= 1
E. Scales= 1
F. Key Signatures= 1
G. Chords= 1
H. Intervals= 1
I. Ear Training= 1 (but got some right!)
J. Dictation= 1
K. Sight Reading= 1
Step 4
I'd say my general outcome of this assessment is a generous 1...
Step 5
Simply, I am a beginner. I need to start at the beginning of all of this to get going. Though I can recognize some differences by ear, that is (sadly) about the extent of my knowledge with music for now.
Step 6
Music literacy tool box:
A. Pitch
B. Rhythm
C. Meter
F. Key Signatures or this link
G. Chords:
H. Intervals
I. Ear Training:
J. Dictation:
Step 7
These resources have been super helpful to understand more about music. I plan to use a lot of these links as a guide in the future, and plan to get a lot out of them!